01Create a New Profile

Create a new Profile

  • 02

    Fill in your details: email, choose a password, confirm password and your first and last name


    Select Register

  • 04

    To complete the registration please check your email to confirm your account and then return to the app to login

02 Forgotten Password

Forgotten Password

  • 01

    Select Login

  • 02

    Select Forgot Password?

  • 03

    Enter you email address – this must be the email registered to your account


    Select Submit

  • 05

    Check your email and select ‘Reset password’ – remember to check your SPAM/JUNK folder

  • 06

    Enter your:

    Email address

    New Password

    Confirm your new password

    Select Reset

    Your password must be more than 8 characters and include at least one:

    • Number
    • Upper case alphanumeric
    • Lower case alphanumeric
    • Special character

03 Link For First Time

Link For First Time

  • 01

    Navigate to the account page and click on link an account.

04 Edit Profile

Edit Profile

  • 01

    Navigate to the account page and click on settings.


    Select Edit Profile

  • 03

    Select Edit Profile

  • 04

    Add/Edit your Name and image.


    Add a search handle and hide your

    profile if you don’t want to appear in

    the Discovery Section.

05 Search a Signal

Search a Signal

  • 01

    Select Discover

  • 02

    Select the Search box


    Enter the user, friend or signal that

    you’re looking for

06 Copy a Trader

Copy a Trader

  • 01

    Navigate to Discover


    Search or select a Signal to copy

  • 03

    Select to Copy Signal

    • The fee charged by the Signal
    • Number of copiers
    • Recent trades can be viewed by clicking on arrows next to “Realised P/L” and “Unrealised P/L”.
  • 10

    Select OK to continue or select Max Drawdown to set soft stop and hard stop settings (see number 7 for more details)

07 Set Drawdown

Set Drawdown

  • 01

    Navigate to Account


    Select % of drawdown

  • 03

    Set soft stop – when triggered, stops any new copy trade instructions


    Set hard stop – when triggered closes all related open copy trades


    Select Agree and confirm


    Resetting your drawdown sets a new equity level

    from which your Soft and Hard Stops trigger. It

    does NOT reset your drawdown levels.

  • 07

    You are also prompted to set your drawdown, when you first copy a signal

08 Edit Copying

Edit Copying

  • 01

    Navigate to Account


    Select the Signal that you would like to edit

  • 03

    Select Edit copy

  • 04

    Adjust the copy trading settings


    Select Update


    To stop copying a signal, click X, and you will be asked how you would like to manage all open trades


    Select OK

09 Set Signal Fee

Set Signal Fee

  • 01

    Navigate to Account


    Select I want to charge a fee and complete a Signal Application Form if prompted

  • 03

    Set Fee Level


    Agree and confirm

    • Performance fee is a % of any profit made by your copiers and cannot be greater than 50%
    • Performance fee is charged when a profit is made over a High Water Mark
    • Any updates or edits to the fee will only affect future copiers
    • The App can charge an Admin fee
  • 05

    Edit your signal fee by clicking on the % shown

  • 06

    Select Agree and Update

10 Open a Trade

Open a Trade

  • 01

    Open the trade tab


    Select your symbol category

  • 03

    Select your FX player

  • 04

    Select chart timescale


    Confirm Sell or Buy

  • 06

    Force Open: place direct trade into the market


    Order: submit a pending order


    Quantity: size of trade


    Stop Loss: protects losses beyond price


    Profit Limit: locks profit


    Press Trade

  • 12

    Congratulations, you have now successfully opened a trade

11 Close a Trade

Close a Trade

  • 01

    Select Positions tab to view your open trades


    Select Close

  • 03

    Select Close

  • 04

    Confirm your decision to close the trade

  • 05

    Congratulations, you have now successfully closed a trade

12 Edit a Trade

Edit a Trade

  • 01

    Select Positions tab to view your open trades


    Select Edit

  • 03

    Edit you Stop Loss or Profit Limit


    Select Edit to confirm

  • 05

    Congratulations, you have edited your open trade

16 Switch between Accounts

Switch between Accounts

  • 01

    Navigate to the account page and click on the “Switch Button“.

  • 02

    Select the account you would like to use.

  • 03

    Your account should have switched to the correct account